Tuesday, April 29, 2014


genre : fantasy 
english : Gramaticaly wrong

Somehow.. someway..

            ONCE I OPEN the door and i found my Mom’s body hang on the ceiling, with the belt around her neck, and got a news about my Dad, that he got a heart attack. They’re died. I don’t know why am i afraid of those things, caused i never really think about them.
            I gasp for air, my eyes open and my palms get wet.
            My cat stare at me right above my bed as he always did every morning. At least, my cat still with me. When i pass my door way, i found a paper at the top of a cofee table, as always.
            April, dad go to accompany me to the stasion
            I’ll go to bandung, for a week
            Eat your breakfast and Dad will pick up you latter
            Happy birthday

            I smirked, eat? No i don’t need food, i don’t even hungry. I take some money that slip behind the paper, and than go to the dining table. I have pieces of fried chicken, rise, and a bowl of soup. I tap my finger beside my plate, and than my cat jump onto the table
            He looking at me with his circle green eyes, he always look that excited. That is the most thing that i love about him. Make me feel like the world  is full of excitement.
            “you hungry curly?” i murmur, than he leans into my eyes thats mean yes. I give a piace of chicken to Curly, he eat on my plate and than i give a plate of rises to my fish in the pond, while i eat the soup.
            That’s what i’m doing every morning.

            Campus is the only positif place i ever had. I always like being here with them, they taugh me how to live corectly, with or without their realised. I always hope that i could be with them forever, but gradutaion day come really fast.
            “happy april mop!” Rismadilla yell in my ears.
            “so, you’ll treat us today right?” my senior, Sheila adds.
            Rismadilla and Sheila is sisters, i usually called them, “the sister” just like one of duo singer in my country. Everytime i look at them i always wonder how it feels to be like them? To have sister? Is it good as i always see or is it bad? But, i never wish to be like them, cause having a sister mean i cannot have privacy when i’m home. Period.
            “you wish!” i mumbles.
            “is it your birthday today?” Dika who sat on a chair near us says. He is the only guy best friend that i have in this place. He always look don’t realy care, but i always caugh him as the only person who help me out from my dificult time, someway. That’s why i always love him, as my best friend.
            “apriiillll!!!” efa came and slap my face, and than Dea do the same on my another cheek.
            This one of the tradition that i hate the most in this country, slap the birthday girl or boy. Like the birthday girl or boy have no pain feeling.
            “hope you never think about suicide anymore!” Dea said.
            I smirked, suicide. Haha, something that never apears in my mind. It must be caused by that day, several months ago when they caught me hurt myself with a cutter. They force me to stop but i just quite. Cause i can’t stop. As long as the pain of being dump by a boy that i loved still in my heart, i cannot stop to hurt myself.
            Just like the day when my Mom  said, “if you keep asking my for that phone, i’ll leave your father, cause for now i have to give all the money to his faimily!” i went to my room. Is not about the phone that i wanted, is about to go somewhere with my parents, just like all of my friends did. But listened to what my mom said, i got the pain in my heart, i curse at the wall, i took my belt and whipes my own back.
            However i rather feel the real pain in my entire body than to feel the pain in my heart.I always begged for the real pain, i love the feeling when the blood springkle from my body, some people call people like me as pain lover but, i don’t think that i am. Caused over all of those thing, i just need distraction. Distaction from everything that happen in mylife.
            That day, i treat them as Sheila says.
I really want to spent all of my day with them, everyday cause with them i feel true. But they cannot do what i wish, exactly because they had another friends too out side this campus.I hate that, if i could i’ll make them separated with their another friends.
            When i went home, my another friend call me to come to their place. So, i just come, cause i don’t want to be at home early. We have a chat, laugh and a lot of picture.
            Rani and Errina sat on the sofa, seems like they’re busy with their own converstaion. Than Devi join them by saying, “heyy! Let me know what you guys talking about!” after that, Demy join them too, while Dita busy with her phone. Sometime they asked Dita what is she doing with her phone. Than Dita tell them that she having a conflict wiht her boyfriend.
            I’m enjoying my time with my laptop, doing some campus task and else. I don’t think what they doing is something that i need to know. I don’t like to disturb other people life, cause that will feel like i ruin their privacy.
At 8 o’clock we went to a bar, right after my another friend, Risma came up. I don’t know where is she come from, or what is she doing before coming here, cause i bet the lectures had finished by 6 PM. And i don’t think that i need to know. It’s her business, her privacy.
            There, they give me a sureprise. The singer sing a birthday song after calling my name, and than they bring me to the stage and ask me to make a wish before blow a candle.
            I wish i could escape from my life, i’m tired of being me.
            After that we end up at the club. I always like to be there, there is no one care whatever i do, wether i scream or cry or being crazy as animal. I could forget everything, and no one will asked me to stop, or even ask me what am I doing.
            But, i never feel right of being there, i hate to see people treat a girl like they something that they could buy or whatever, and i hate to see my friend drank, cause when they got drank, they seems like have no brain, they speak everything without no think it first, and they’ll says.
            “i hope you still be my friend forever, so we can party all night long and you pay for it!”
            “i hope you can buy me another pair of shoes latter!”
            And else. Every night always made me figure out that they are not my best friend, they just person who need my money.
            It’s almost five in the morning, i sneak out from the heavy club, i walk down the street with no direction. The night getting colder, the wind getting wild, i wrap my arms to make me feel warm. Than i hear a river hissing, that must be come from the river bellow the bridge where i stand.
            I step to the edge of the bridge, i look down and see the water moving so fast to somewhere far away. I wonder where they will stop, i have a river near my house, and i think if i follow the river, i could be home faster, i want to be home faster, i missed my curly and really tired.
Than i jump. I could swim so i’m sure i that i’ll be fine.
            Than i realised that i just made a big mistake.The water too cold, i cannot see the way, here is too dark. I tried as i may to swim against the wave to reach the edges, but the more i tried the more i got the stone that hit me. I feel bleed on my forehead, my hands hurt, i can’t feel my feet, i can’t scream, i feel blind.
            My eyes wide open. I see my room ceiling, ohh i dream, bad dream. I feel relieved. I would never jump into the river. Never.
            I look down but i didn’t find my curly. I frowned, this is extraordinary. I step to outside my room and found a guy stand on his knee, spoiled my curly. I don’t know where he come from, what he doing and how he got in.
            Curly’s atention shift to me, he stand by put his two foot on the floor and another two foot hang on my feet. Litle bit hurt me by his claw, but it’s common. I smile at him and embraced him.
            The guy standing up, he look familiar, but i still have no idea who is him.He smile at me, not the smile that i used to see from every strange people that i met on the street, but another smile, smile that tell me that we know each other, just like an old friend.
            As always i ignore my courisousness, and act casual.I’m sure he’ll tell me who is he and what is he doing when he want to.
            “what are you doing here?” i asked.
            He smile, “i’m here to ask for your help!”
            Sureprisingly I frowned, “help?”
            I saw his arm moving, he exhale.
            “your world about to end, and i don’t want to let it happen!”
            I laugh, that’s sound ridiculous, like i’m on the film that hollywood made.
            “my world is found something that could make every human in this world being like animal!”
            I stop laughing cause he really look wholehearted, but that doesn’t mean i believe in him. I started to think that he’s crazy or maybe drunk.
            “i’ll show you my world if that’s the only way to make you believe..”
            I stare at him, and decide it might be ridiculous but I’m sure that i got nothing to loose.
            “ok, bring me to your place,” i said without think anything first.
            “but you have to do whatever I said.”
            He smile, the smile that tell me that he about to say “I know you’ll say it,” than he walk me to a room. My grand father’s room. I never step my feet on that room since he died four years ago. I wonder why, but i kept my couriouse in my mind and just wait something to happen.
            “why are you walk in my house like this is your house?” i roll my eyes, and again he just smile than walk to an old cupboard.
            “this is the gate..” he says softly.
            I look at the cupboard and look at him and back to the cupboard, “is it something like what i saw on narnia? I walk throught the door and found out another world and need to againts the queen and bla bla bla?”
            She look at me, his eyebrow tug together, “i don’t think that you watch narnia, isn’t you just like harry potter? And read something like vampire academy? Twilight? I don’t think Narnia is one of your list..
            I have no idea how does he know about those think. But he’s right, I never really like Narnia, I just watched Narnia several days ago accidently on tv.
            He just smile at me and our eyes meet, and i feel like everything will be fine as long as he has his eyes stick on mine. I see the light emerge from inside the cupboard by the time that guy open the doors. I blinded, not because the dark, but because to much light in front of me.
            After one step the light getting lower and the darkness come, I hate darkness. I take a deep breath, think about something happy,  try to calm myself.
            Curly jump from my arm, i cannot see where he going, i don’t know where the guy is and than something peculiar happens, finger lace with mine, and palm preses to my palm.
            “don’t release my hand till we arrive..” he wishper in my ear and guide me walk in the blind.

            His word make me feel calm.. somehow. 

to be continued..



ANDRE berjalan membuka sebuah pintu di salah satu petak rumah susun di kawasan jakarta barat. Dia hendak mengunjungi teman baru nya, Lana untuk mengerjakan tugas kelompok.
            Andre baru saja hendak mengetuk pintu saat pintu dihadapannya terbuka dan nampaklah seorang perempuan berambut hitam panjang, berkulit putih dan berparas cantik.
            “hey!” sapa perempuan yang Andre kenali sebagai Christy, mahasiswa fakultas MIPA di universitas yang sama dengannya.
            “hey..!” balas Andre dengan senyum ramah.
            “Lana udah nunggu dari tadi tuh!” ujarnya lagi, “Lan! Andre nya udah datang tuh! Aku pergi sekarang ya!”
            Pergilah Christy, meninggalkan sebuah tanya di pikiran Andre, Christy? Perempuan itu ada di rumah Andre sepagi ini?
            “masuk Bro!” ujar Lana yang sudah muncul didepan pintu, mempersilahkan Andre untuk masuk sembari menutup pintu kembali.
            “sorry ya berantakan, si Christy lagi nyusun laporan apaaa gitu semaleman, gak ngerti gue urusan orang biologi!”
            Andre mengernyitkan kening, “semaleman?”
            Lana menarik sebuh kursi makan lalu duduk diatasnya, “elo kaya gak pernah aja negrjain tugas sambil begadang!”
            “bukan itu maksud gue! Si Christy ngerjain tugas nya disini semaleman?”
            “ya terus? Masa dia mau ngerjain di bawah pohon! Dikira apa kali!” sergah Lana, yang kembali berdiri untuk mengambil minum dari dalam kulkas.
            “tapi kan lo tinggal disini sendiri Lan!”
            “ohh.. gue kira sendiri.. sama Ade? Ade lo cewe?”
            “sama Christy lah! Menurut lo?”
            Andre kembali mengernyitkan kening, “maksud lo..? lo sama Chritsy..”
            “iya! Kenapa?”
            “nyokap bokap lo tau?”
            Lana menggeleng.
            “nyokap bokap dia?”
            “ya nggak lah! Orang tua kita tuh terlalu kuno! Kalo tau bisa di kurung dirumah seumur hidup deh gue!”
            “kenapa lo bilang mereka kuno?”
            “Dre! Orang – orang amerika aja dari SMA tinggal sama pacar nya gak pernah ada masalah! Emang nya orang indo? apa apa gosip, dikit dikit gosip.. apa juga bisa jadi gosip! Gak penting banget!” ujar Lana.
            “lo gak takut dia hamil?
“Dre! Hari gini lo masih gak tau ada yang namanya kondom?”
“kalau lo kelupaan gimana?”
“ya nggak akan lah! Gue juga gak mau punya anak sekarang kali!”
“yaaa.. terus kalau misalnya lo pada suatu hari beneran kelupaan, terus Christy hamil gimana?” tuding Andre, “yaaa elo sih gak akan ada masalah, nah Christy bisa jadi gak bisa lanjutin kuliah! Pendidikan dia akan gantung! Belum lagi kalau misalnya kampus mempermasalahin sampe bikin dia di DO, bisa jadi dia di black list! Gak mungkin bisa lanjut kuliah! Kalaupun dia bisa tetep lanjut kuliah, dia gak mungkin bisa kaya sekarang, dia harus ngurusin anak nya! Ngurusin anak itu beda sama ngurusin kucing peliharaan Lan!”
“lo mikir jauh banget sih Dre! Santai aja kali!”
“realistis dong Lan! Semua itu mungkin aja! terlalu santai dan menggampangkan kaya gitu tuh yang bikin nih negara makin aneh!”
Lana menghela kesal, “ya tinggal aborsi aja lah! Gak usah repot repot!”
“Lan! Lo lupa atau emang gak tau? Di dunia ini, gak ada satu ajaran pun yang bolehin manusia saling bunuh, nah! Lo sadar gak? Aborsi itu artinya bunuh manusia juga!”
“Indonesia udah merdeka Bro! Kita bebas mau ngapain aja!”
“woi! Indonesia emang udah merdeka! Dan kemerdekaan kita di dasari pancasila! mending lo baca lagi Pancasila nya, pasal 28 terus lo renungin!”


Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Story by : Rismadilla Ulfah
Script written by : Fitria Afrilia Suherman

SCENE 1 : INT. Kamar Lisa - malam
Voice over:
Besok aku akan membuktikan bahwa seorang pria dan wanita ditakdirkan menjadi satu. Bahwa mereka adalah satu. Bahkan bagi mereka yang terlemah sekalipun.
Besok semua akan berubah untuk selamanya. Dua hati yang akan bersatu. Dua tubuh menjadi satu.
Sebuah meja rias, dengan pernak pernik ala perempuan. Tergeletak sebuah surat undangan pernikahan dua orang bernama Lisa dan Al yang akan digelar esok hari. Di sisi kanan meja terdapat sebuah kalender kecil yang sudah ditandai, pertanda bahwa si pemilik sedang menunggu saat – saat penting dalam hidupnya.
Lisa masuk kedalam kamar, duduk di kursi dan mulai menulis dibuku diary nya setelah sekali lagi melihat undangan pernikahannya dan melingkari satu tanggal penting esok hari.

Pulpen yang sedang Lisa gunakan terlepas dari genggamannya. Lisa memegangi dadanya yang terasa sangat sakit, sangat sakit sampai dia terjatuh dari kursi tempat nya duduk. Tak sadarkan diri

CUT TO SCENE 2 : INT. Diluar kamar Lisa – malam
Anna (adik Lisa) mengetuk pintu, ingin mengambil ponselnya yang tertinggal.
Anna : “kaa..! kaa? Hp ku ketinggalan disitu ya?
Karena tak ada jawaban Anna membuka pintu perlahan, dan ternyata pintu tidak di kunci. Anna menemukan Lisa telah tergeletak di lantai.
Anna berteriak : “Maa!”
Mama muncul di pintu
Sound effect : ambulans

SCENE 3 : EXT. Ruang tunggu rumah sakit - pagi
Anna memeluk Mama nya, Al berdiri tak bisa diam.
Dokter datang, semuanya berdiri.
Mama : “anak saya gimana Dok?”
Dokter : “kami sudah berusaha semaksimal kami.. hanya Tuhan yang bisa membantu kita..”
Al : “maksud dokter?”
Dokter : “kita sama – sama sudah tau kondisinya bagaimana, dia bertahan sampai saat ini saja sudah sebuah keajaiban..”
Al : “lakuin apapun supaya dia sembuh! Bilang sma saya, saya harus apa? Saya akan lakuin apapun asal Lisa bisa sembuh!”
Dokter : “tenang Pa/mas/ka/de.. kami sedang berusaha yang terbaik..”
Anna : “tolong dok! Saya udah kehilangan papa saya karena ini, jangan kaka saya juga!”
Dokter : “dia hanya bisa selamat jika dia mendapat donor..”
Al berteriak dan pergi, memaki sebisanya, melempar apapun yang ada didekatnya, menendang apapun yang ada dihadapannya.
Anna : “Ka!” *memanggil Al
Mama bicara pada dokter : “harusnya mereka menikah hari ini..”
Dokter : J “kalian yang sabar ya..”

CUT TO SCENE 4 : INT. Didalam mobil – siang
Al membuka kunci mobilnya, masih dalam keadaan emosi, menyetir di jalanan yang tidak begitu sepi. Kekurangan konsentrasi membuatnya tak benar benar melihat jalan. Dia malah melihat surat undangan pernikahan yang tergeletak di bangku penumpang. Hingga akhirnya dia menabrak tihang listrik.
Kap mobil terbuka, lalu pintu mobil pun terbuka, dan terlihatlah tangan Al dengan darah mengucur.

SCENE 5 : INT. RUMAH – siang
Anna baru saja pulang dari rumah sakit, sambil menelpon mama-nya.
Anna  : “mama mau aku bawain apa lagi buat di rumah sakit?”
Sebuah dering ponsel terdengar dari sebuah kamar.
Anna mencari bunyi tersebut dan itu dari kamar Lisa. Tertulis nama Al dilayar ponsel.
Anna mengernyitkan kening, kemudian memutuskan untuk menjawab telpon tersebut.
Anna : “kaka kenapa gak telpon ke nomor ku aja?”
Anna : *shock “kecelakaan? Dimana?”

FADE IN SCENE 6 : INT. Didalam rumah – siang
Black screen with text “satu bulan kemudian”
Anna, Mama dan Lisa tiba di rumah. Anna dan Mama terlihat sangat senang, sementara Lisa masih sibuk dengan ponselnya.
Mama : “akhirnya kita bisa pulang kerumah juga..”
Lisa : *sibuk nelpon “Al kemana sih?!”
Anna terdiam, Mama memilih pergi meninggalkan kamar Lisa.
Lisa : “sejak aku dirumah sakit dia gak pernah jenguk!”
Lisa : “apa dia marah karena aku bikin pernikahan batal?”
Lisa : “Ann! Anterin gue kerumah Al sekarang deh!”
Anna : *bergeming
SLisa : “Ann! Ayooo!”
Anna : *bergeming
Lisa : “Ann! Lo kenapa sih?”
Anna: *menggeleng “Al gak ada dirumah..”
Lisa : *melirik jam tangan “iya dia masih dikantor!”
Anna : *menggeleng “dia ga di kantor juga..”
Lisa : “paling dia di tempat nongkrong sama temen – temennya!” *menarik tangan Anna yang masih tetap diam ditempat
Anna : “dia udah gak sama – sama kita lagi Ka..”
Lisa : *beku “maksud kamu?”
Anna : “setelah jenguk kaka di rumah sakit, malam itu.. dia kecelakaan.. dia kehabisan banyak darah..”
Lisa : “dia gak mungkin ninggalin aku gitu aja!”
Anna : “dia gak ninggalin Kaka! Dia disini..” *menepuk dada Lisa.
Lisa *memegangi dadanya, terduduk dilantai
Voice Over :

Sebagian orang berpikir mimpinya tak akan pernah terwujud..
Tanpa mereka sadari mimpi itu terwujud cara yang berbeda.
Seeperti Lisa yang telah mewujudkan mimpinya meskipun dengan cara diluar dugaan
Pada akhirnya Lisa bersatu dengan cinta sejatinya. Meskipun tubuh Al terkubur dalam pusara yang kering, tetapi jantung nya tetap berdetak untuk Lisa. Mempa darah keseluruh tubuh Lisa, memberinya kehidupan. Mereka tidak pernah terpisah, karena Al akan hidup selamanya d dalam diri Lisa.

"it's not about just 'make it happen' it's about 'i need those moment happen again' that's it."

[1]Scarlet :  Warna merah tua


The making of a short film
An english paper task

Fitria Afrilia Suherman_G.1110268
Nurdea Purnamasari_G.1110


Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb                          

Alhamdulillahhirobil'alamin gratitude we pray that the presence of Allah SWT has given grace and guidance to all of us, so that we can finish this paper.
Furthermore we would like to thank the lecturer for the english 2 who always provide direction and guidance to facilitate the preparation of this paper. And to friends who have given us the spirit and encouragement so that this paper can be resolved.
Hopefully this paper can be useful to readers in general and we beg criticism and suggestions for better progress.

Wassamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Nurdea & Fitria,                                                                                              11 Maret 2014



1.1 Background
One of the primary needed of human is entertaiment, that’s why people never able to avoid the entertaiment industry. There is so much entertaiment industry, but film as a mass-media had a most atention from people all around the world, caused film is an audio visual media that they cannot get in another mass-media. The creation of the film is a mix of the imajination and the reality.
Film is one in a milion things of people entertaiment. People could spent for hours just to watched film that they love than working for hours.
Indonesia as the developing country has so much film maker, famouse or nor, very succed or just the ordinary. But however, they create a work of art that needed a hard work exactly.
Beside the profesional film industry, there is also another film industry, the smaller industry of the film industry, called short film industry. So much people involve in this industry, Start from a junior high school student or the profetional film maker.
Some people like to said that, “that movie is bad,” or “that movie is not properly to watch at all,” while they don’t really know how hard to make a film, start from looking for the story till the editing process.
Authors, as peoples who love to create a short film, to a certain degree known about the procceces, how hard the process and else. In this long the authors and team had create almost five short film, but just two of them that exactly finished and had been published to you tube (the words, and one and not the same ), and now authors will tell people how authors made the first short film “the words”
Therefore, in addition to fulfilling task in the course, the aouthor raised the title “The making of short film” so, people would know how the film could they watch.

1.2. Problem Formulation 
1.     What is film?
2.     How to make a film?
3.      How the authors make a short film “the words”?

1.3 Destination 
a. General purpose. 
That students and readers understand the hardest thing to make a film. 

b. Special Purpose. 
-          Telling student the procces of making a film
-          Make student more apreciate film


2.1.    What is film
A film, also called a movie or motion picture, is a series of still images which, when shown on a screen, createes the illusion of moving images due to phi phenomenon. A film is createed by photographing actual scenes with a motion picture camera; by photographing drawings or miniature models using traditional animation techniques; by means of CGI and computer animation; or by a combination of some or all of these techniques and other visual effects. Contemporary definition of cinema is the art of simulating experiences, that communicate ideas, stories, perceptions, feelings, beauty or atmosphere by the means of recorded or programmed moving images along with other sensory stimulations.
The process of filmmaking is both an art and an industry. Films were originally recorded onto plastic film which was shown through a movie projector onto a large screen; more modern techniques may use wholly digital filming and storage, such as the Red One camera which records onto hard-disk or flash cards.
Films usually include an optical soundtrack, which is a graphic recording of the spoken words, music and other sounds that are to accompany the images. It runs along a portion of the film exclusively reserved for it and is not projected.
Films are cultural artifacts createed by specific cultures. They reflect those cultures, and, in turn, affect them. Film is considered to be an important art form, a source of popular entertainment, and a powerful medium for educating—or indoctrinating—citizens. The visual basis of film gives it a universal power of communication. Some films have become popular worldwide attractions by using dubbing or subtitles to translate the dialog into the language of the viewer. Some have criticized the film industry's glorification of violence.
The individual images that make up a film are called frames. During projection, a rotating shutter causes intervals of darkness as each frame in turn is moved into position to be projected, but the viewer does not notice the interruptions because of an effect known as persistence of vision, whereby the eye retains a visual image for a fraction of a second after the source has been removed. The perception of motion is due to a psychological effect called beta movement.
The name "film" originates from the fact that photographic film (also called film stock) has historically been the medium for recording and displaying motion pictures. Many other terms exist for an individual motion picture, including picture, picture show, moving picture, photoplay and flick. The most common term in the United States is movie, while in Europe film is preferred. Terms for the field in general include the big screen, the silver screen, the movies and cinema; the latter is commonly used in scholarly texts and critical essays, especially by European writers. In early years, the word sheet was sometimes used instead of screen.

2.2.    How to make a film
A.    Pra-production
·         Analyzed the story. Before people create a film, people need to determined the purpose of film making. Just for fun or to send a moral massage, documentary, adapted by human phenomneon, or maybe for a education. In this point, film maker possible to do some observation and collect some data.
·         Prepare the script, when film maker got difficulty of making the script, they could adapted script from novel, short story or even buy from the script writer.
·         Crew recruitment, crew selection from every departement. Establish every crew composition based on ownership estimate. And built production team.
·         Schedule arrange and budgeting, schedule must be arrange very detail, when, where and who. Budget and any equipment needed and also the time limit. Acomodation, transportation, property, costume, and any payment supply either.
·         Location search, pick and search any location/set according to the script. Also  considering about, safety and power resources.
·         Prapare costume and property, choose and looking for every costume for every cast in every scene on set, according to the script.
·         Prepare equipment, to get aperfect film excatly need fully equipment and in a good quality. Such as: clipboard, projector, light, roll cabel, tv monitor, camera, microphone, camera tripod, light tripod and else.
·         Talent casting, pick and search that needed in the production can possibly did by set up an auditions. It’s also must be based on ownership estimate.

B.     roduction/shooting
·         Production is the most suceed determine of create a film, where the director, director of photography, soundmen, talent, wardrobe and all of the crew work together to make everything perfect.
C.     Pasca-produksi
·         Editing, is about arrange all of the dialog, music, and all the picture together.

2.3 How the authors make a short film - words
A.    Find the story
First step of all, is exactly to find the story. What kind of story that team will take? The story that doesn’t need much talent, and less budget exactly, caused team didn’t have any sponsored yet. 
            After the hard discussion team decide to take the sort story that one of the team was made, titled “the words table”

B.     Make the story line
After that, team  need to make the story line. The story line is something that
make the film goes chronologicaly. Start from the opening till closing.

C.     Make the script
Team had  a person who wrote the script. But caused  it just a short film, and in this case the film about a person who talk with another person by wrote something on the table so team doesn’t need much dialog. But team need so much romantic word, thankfully team had one person who like to wrote about something romantic, so it’s doesn’t a big deal for the team to write the script. Team entrusted her to make the whole script.

D.    Looking for the set
Team had to find a set somewhere and somehow. From the storyline, we need some places and than we found out that team can get the places in the team campus. Such a great thing cause, will be easier if team make the film in the team campus.
Althought actually the film need to be set at the hospital, team can handle that on the editing process and how the team pass the shooting process.

E.     Looking for the talent
It such a hard part cause we need to looking for a person who will do acting for team. Cause such an impossible thing for us, for now to hire the real actor or actrees.
The team almost get backdown cause team doesn’t get any talent yet after several day, till the day when one of them spoke a name and said that she can get that person to play the role.

F.      Make the schedule
After get almost everything, what the team needed to do next is the shooting process, team had another matter. Schedule, is the important thing to thinking about. Cause, even though the team is just comprise of four people and one actor for this project, team still need to get time to make all of the team come together. Cause everyone had their bussines.
The discussion goes hard and finally get the right time, wich is in early morning. Team decide to do shooting process started from 8 AM, and must be finished before 11 AM, cause if the team pass that time, the enviroment will become more crowded and the sun will be high and higher. 

G.    Shooting process
Seems like, this is the most waiting moment of all. Team go to the set, built the set as the team wanted, and take the scene for the first time, and everything goes on till the last day.
Shooting process really need the good conection of the actor and the director. Cause the actor would not do what the director wanted if the director doesn’t give the actor the right intruction.
Team also need to think about the weather and the enviroment too, cause if team do shooting in the midle of the day, camera will caught too much light, and the enviroment will get very busy that cause the camera capture unneeded picture.
Even thought team did the shooting process in the morning, team still need to avoid the sun light, avoid the backlight effect. Proudly the team had one person who understand enough about camera, so team can passed shooting process perfectly.

H.    Voice over recording
In this short film, we need a lot of voice over that sounded by the actor and again we need to make the schedule. The voice over recording sounds like the easiest part, but the reality this process need a hard work either, cause it’s really easy to get laugh while the actor speak the romantic script.

I.       Filter the scene
After the shoot, team need to watch every scene one by one carefully and filter every scene that team has taken. Leave the bad one, and pick the good one. 

J.       Editing process
The script must be done, the shooting must be over, but doesn’t mean the film is finished. Team still need to get through the last (but not least) process of the film making process, called editing process.
In this process, thankfully again, team had a person who could do the editing  greatfully enough. Even if the reality that the editing process is the thoughtest process of all, she could handle that with less help from another team.
Editing process is about to cut and mix every scene together as the storyline that team has made. On the editing process, we put some backsound and the voice over. Putting the backsound is definitly not as easy as peaople drink, team need to pick a song than cut it, move it, mix it with another song etc.
Team also put the credit title in the end of the film.

K.    Publish the short film
Over all, this procces is the easiest and hardest time in the same time of all the process. Cause when team let people watch the movie, team need to stay calm and keep smile to whatever they say. Just like what the authors says in the backround of the paper, “some people like to said that, that movie is bad, or that movie is not properly to watch at all


3.1 conclution

            Film industry is not just about making money but about work of art and a team work too.
A proverd said, “don’t judge a book by it’s cover”. When people watch a film, hopefully people  will think about the process of making the film. Or even thought people don’t want to think about something like that, and just want to watch the film no matter how hard the film maker make that, authors wish by known how hard authors making a simple short film experience, people will more apreciate.


Rangers line cinema